
Homemade Hair Growth Treatment and Hair Wash- hair growth

In this world, everyone has hair problem. Men and women equally suffer from hair problems.
May be we do not eat a proper diet which is important for our hair. Our beauty completes with our hair. If we have balded head, rough hair, and dry hair we are not looking good. Most people suffer from balded head or skull.
People do different remedies for this problem. But that remedial works only for a short time. Do not worry, I have a permanent solution for hair.
Because I also Love my hair.
Now I am going to tell you about my personal remedies Homemade hair growth treatment.


Homemade Hair Growth Treatment Remedy #1

Castor OiL Homemade Hair Growth Treatment
Here I will you about castor oil. Castor oil rich with vitamin E, minerals, protein and Omega6 and 9 fatty acids. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is useful for acne and skin softness.

What You Need

  • 3 Tablespoon of Castor Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Jajoba Oil or Organ Oil

How To Use

Mix both ingredients in a bottle and shake it well. Massage 2 mint every night in your hair and wash it in the morning. 

Homemade Hair Growth Treatment Remedy #2

What You Need

  • Curry Leaves       =10Springs
  • Fenugreek Seeds  =1tbs
  • Coconut Oil          =125ml
  • Castor Oil             =50ml

How To Use

Dry Curry Leaves in the sun rays approximately it will take 2 days. After 2 days leaves become dry completely than blender it. It is becoming like powder. Now add 1tbs fenugreek seeds in it and blend again. 
Let both Oils keep on stove and add the curry leaves mixture in it. Cook it for 1 minutes and stop flaming. Cover it for 10 hours after 10 hours, strain it in the bottle. Use it.

Homemade Hair Growth Treatment Remedy #3

What You Need

  • Olive Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Coconut Oil

How To Use

Mix all Oils together and keep save in a bottle. Use it every night and wash it in the Morning.

Now i decided to tell you some hair wash 
Yes hair wash
You just hear face wash, body wash but i introduce hair wash. These hairs wash I used it many times and also now a days. 
After use this you do not need a conditioner or other hair falling medical syrups or medicines.

Yes, keep it safe in your mobile note, laptop notepad, or in your dairy. Because, important and old things are good.

Let's Start


Homemade Hair Growth Treatment Remedy Hair Wash

What You Need

2 big size Onion
1 Bottle
Some Water
A Blender

How To Use

Peel the Onions and put in the blender, add 1 small cup of water in it and blend it. After blending strain it with the help of a piece of cloth. Put water in the bottle and save it. Use daily and see the magic.

Homemade Hair Growth Treatment Remedy Hair Wash

What You Need

Tamarind (Imli) 

How To Use

Put some Tamarind (Imli) in water at night and cover it. In the morning strain this water and wash your hair with this water. You can cover this water in the morning and use it at night it is best idea Because, after this wash you have to use oil in the hair. 
You should use hair oil as i told you above ;)

Use these remedies and Tell me your experience. I am telling you these all a magic for your hair. I prove it is a complete doctor for your hair. No hair falling, No hair damage, No hair dryer, No hair stop to growth and much more. Even you will get rid your lice from your hair.  
These Homemade Hair Growth Treatment and Hair Wash Not only for women can use also Man.
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